Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Close Enough For A High Five - Warbirds in Ninety Six SC

Editor of the magazine says, "Travis, you ok going up in an 80-year-old WW2 plane for us to make pictures of another WW2 plane?"

I said sure. I'm not afraid of heights and I had heard of the operation in Ninety Six, SC that flies the planes. Good people.

I get there and the pilot goes over safety guidelines, including how to open the canopy for photography during the flight and use the parachute if needed.

What no one told me is that after we took off, the other plane, at left, was going to fly up beside us and be close enough for me to toss the pilot a sausage biscuit.

I yelled out to the pilot in front me "Whoooooooa Dude! Is this supposed be happening? He's close enough to give us a high five."

He said it was perfectly normal. "We're good!" he said.

Thank God cause I though I was about to go break bread with Moses. (Photo by Travis Bell)

Interesting Note: The previous owner of the airstrip was a retired stuntman for James Bond movies. No joke. Right in little ol' Ninety Six.

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